Puzzles There
Puzzles and collaborations hosted or published outside this blog:
- March 4: Everything's Coming Up Roses
- Lil AVC X roster puzzle #1
- April 16: Climbing the Corporate Ladder
- Lil AVC X roster puzzle #2
- May 17: Mislabeled Game Pieces
- collab with Dob Olino in lemonade disco puzzle suite #007: "game night"
- July 17: Celebrity Costume Party
- lemonade disco puzzle suite #008: "party time"
- September 17: El Parque Zoológico Minerva
- lemonade disco puzzle suite #009: "a day at the zoo"
- November 17: Plot Twists
- lemonade disco puzzle suite #10: "film festival"
- October 19: A Satisfying Acrostic Experience
- collab with Dob Olino
- January 22: Community Cryptic
- made on-stream with Glentopher and friends
- July 15: Something Different?
- collab with Norah Sharpe